
Our Exorcism & Deliverance Ministry is a ministry that brings spiritual victory and freedom to those who are in bondage and seeking to be released from that bondage. Jesus gave all Christians the authority to cast out demons (Mark 16:17), but a true Exorcism & Deliverance Ministry is more about healing the mind and the spirit.
Inner healing is an essential step in the deliverance process. We become wounded when we are mistreated, abused or rejected. Some of the most hurtful memories are those where someone we trust or love has abandoned us or where we have trouble forgiving ourselves for our own sinful choices. The enemy attacks us when we are the most vulnerable using these wounds to keep us in bondage.
Most people do not realize that wounds, lies and deceptions create strongholds in our lives. Strongholds are incorrect patterns nurtured by demons. These thinking patterns can cause us self-destruction. For example, if you think you are worthless you feel worthless. Feeling worthless cause’s shame, despair, self-pity, loneliness and depression—and that and can lead to suicide. Demons need these strongholds to maintain their hold on a person. These Strongholds can be torn down as you meditate on God’s word and allow His word to train your mind to His way of thinking.
Demons are legalistic. They must have a legal right to harass. Sometimes before a demon can be cast out or be forced to stop harassment, the legal right(s) must be removed. The legal grounds are removed through confession to God, repentance, renunciation, and extending forgiveness.
Tearing down strongholds and breaking up legal grounds will not always expel the demons. They may still be present and need to be cast out. Though there are basic principles we must employ in coming against Satan, there is no set pattern or formula we must follow in removing their influence. Every case must be approached in simple faith; looking to the Lord for direct leadership as we battle this enemy.
Regardless of the approach that the Lord directs in spiritual victory, it is important that one understands how to maintain freedom and what to do if there is a setback. (Galatians 5:1) says “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery”.
A true Exorcism & Deliverance Ministry will not only help with healing and deliverance, but it must also teach how one is enslaved and how to maintain the freedom that Christ gave us when He died for us.
Deliverance with CSW is not just prayer for removal of spirits. Inner healing (see Spiritual / Inner Healing) must accompany Deliverance. We have a five step measurable program that includes teachings on “How and why people have strongholds”, “Why Christians need deliverance” and “How to maintain the freedom after deliverance”.
St Benedict's Anglican Church offers the ministry of exorcism and deliverance. The church is affilliate of the Sacred Order of St Michael the Archangel Order of Exorcists. If you feel you have a demon we can help with you get free from it. Our process is to investigate your case first to determine if your eligible for exorcism and deliverance. Prior to an exorcism/deliverance you have a physical performed by a Dr to determine whether your physically able to with stand the stress of an exorcism and a Psychological evaluation to rule out mental illness. If you don't have these yet don't worry we will still help you to the best of our abilities thru prayer. To contact us send us an email from the contact form
Come have your special day with us. We will travel to your location for you. To contact us please send an email from the contact page or send an email to:

We offer prayer service by our prayer team anytime anywhere. If you give us your email address we can do it together via a virtual prayer session. Please send us an email if you would like us to pray with you. Emails can be sent stbenedictschurch22@gmail.com. Thank you
You can watch Mass on Youtube @RevDanTodd at 10am, our Patreon page on our St Benedict's Anglican Church or on listen on Spotify on the Battle Tested page

Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual counseling is recommended when advice or guidance is needed based on spiritual principles within the Christian faith. In counseling, one of our goals is to help the individual explore their own responses, emotions and behaviors to determine the spiritual applications necessary to resolve the issue.
People usually seek counseling to overcome one or more problems. For those that want to grow spiritually or change behaviors, it is suggested that they seek the Mentorship program. Often times counseling sessions will identify the need for a mentor instead of a spiritual counselor. In those situations the Petitioner (client) is referred to Mentoring.
SBAC is a Christian ministry, therefore our principles are based strictly on the word of God and not man-made religious doctrine. Our ministers are not licensed doctors. Therefore, if the counseling exceeds the boundaries of SBAC, we refer the individual to professional doctors. Each Petitioner (client) is interviewed to determine the level of ministerial support needed.
Spiritual & Inner Healing
Did you know that it is God that heals the soul and the spirit? We at St Benedict's Anglican Church minister healing prayers to remove the damaged emotions and negative thinking. Often times these hurts develop when a person has been rejected, abused or mistreated. These hurts open the door to spirits that can cause havoc to your life. Inner Healing involves uprooting or exposing the inner hurt and memories. We can help you heal those wounds so that you can take control of your emotions and your life.
Contact us at stbenedictschurch22@gmail.com for information concerning Inner Healing