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Case Study: Mental health vs Possession

Writer's picture: Rev Dan ToddRev Dan Todd

Updated: Jun 16, 2024

A few months ago we received a case in Southern New Jersey for a "possession". So as our SOP states we did a virtual intake with the client to get an idea of what's going on. The client stated that he created a summoning circle and became possessed.

Ok so we asked him how he did this. Client, "I was drunk and waved my finger in a circle and summoned a demon into me." This being an interesting claim I referred to out occult expert on this one. I'm not going into detail for the simple fact that someone will try this and cause themselves issues. But what he said was is that the client did not perform a summoning ritual. And if he was trying to he did it wrong.

So I went down to the clients house, and what I saw was horrible. He and his girlfriend live in a 2 bedroom apartment with a child. The.apartment is dirty and stinks. There is no furniture other than a bed for them and the child a couch and a TV oh and a table in the kitchen. I felt like I needed a shower after I left. During the course of my in person interview he told me he goes to charismatic church and was baptized by them. So I called the church and asked them if it was done in the trinitarian formula since he showed his "baptismal certificate". His baptism certificate was a hand written certificate on a piece of paper with the name of the church and the pastor who signed it.

So now that I know his baptism isn't valid I tell him he needs to be baptized. He agrees to this. Great. So I continue with the questioning while looking for any signs of anything that even can be considered possession. There are none. So I begin to put him through some testing with sacramentals, aka the crucifix, St Benedict's Medal etc. He failed every test I have him.

So, not being convinced I began to advise him of our requirements for exorcism, since thats all he wanted. Our requirements are we have to have a physical report from your doctor saying you are physically capable of the handling the stresses of an exorcism and 2 mental health reports ruling out mental illness. In e ery case we have a mental health counselor on the call with us and this person is assessing you while we go through our questionnaire. So we have one report already and it says client shows signs of schizophrenia.

The client said that he would go get the required exams. 3 months later he still hasn't done it. He claims he can't find a doctor that will take him and he doesn't know how to look for a doctor. Instead he messages me everyday trying to convince me he possessed. He will go on Facebook and plead his case to different groups in hopes someone in the group will tell him what he wants to hear.

Before I go any further, some of the claims he has is:

  1. He hears voices in his head saying they will possess him

  2. The "demons" tell him to read the bible as a joke

  3. He can't sleep

  4. Nobody believes him etc.

  5. He gets angry all the time

  6. And has nightmares where the "demons" take over him

Oh and I forgot to mention that he did/does do drugs. This client showed 6 out of 10 symptoms of schizophrenia that I recognized. After 3 months of him trying to convince me I had to drop the case because he obviously doesn't want to healed of whatever is going on and I will not perform any rite or ritual without first knowing a mental health history.

When you contact us for help, we WILL NOT perform an exorcism just because you say you possessed. There will be an investigation unless there is moral certainty that you are possessed. There are to many people out there that we can snap our fingers and boom your healed. Unfortunately that's not case. These types cases take time to resolve and you (the client has to want it resolved and stay free.) And staying free means changing your entire lifestyle. Going to church preferably a catholic church, receiving the eucharist, going to confession on a regular basis like every week, increasing your pryer life etc. I wanted to tall about the charismatic movement and deliverance ministries but I'm going to save that for another post.

Thus is a real thing and should be treated as such. Please stop watching movies and listening to these TV and YouTube investigators because they are causing more problems for people than they are fixing.

Thank you and God Bless

For help with your case you can contact us at or contact the Order of Exorcists at

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